Culture Change & Employee Engagement

//Culture Change & Employee Engagement
Culture Change & Employee Engagement 2017-08-16T16:34:36+10:00

Recent research by Human Synergistics of more than 2000 companies across Australia shows that employee job satisfaction in Australian workplaces is almost 10 percentage points below the international average.

Conversely, in Australian workplaces where the culture is positive and supportive of constructive behaviour including interpersonal relationships, there was a 21% increase in an employee’s satisfaction with work, 26% increase in personal well-being, 21% increase in the quality of work related relationships, and 39% increase in one’s ability to manage stress.

Findings such as these leave no doubt of the strong relationship between an organisation’s culture and the impact on organisational reputation, productivity, profitability and long term sustainability.

Another key factor of organisational success is the individual and collective capability of leaders and managers. Leaders and managers determine the culture of a business. Their behaviour and actions act as role models in the business, showing how the organisation lives it values and specifically ‘how we do things around here’ on a daily basis. The very best businesses invest in the continuous development and retention of highly-effective and engaged leaders at all levels and their teams.

Diana and her associates have extensive experience using the globally recognised Human Synergistics tools (Organisational Culture Inventory, Life Styles Inventory, Group Styles Inventory and Leadership Impact) and other employee engagement tools and methodologies. They will work with you and your leadership team to transform your workplace culture to create high-performing, profitable businesses that are also great places to work.